Somaliland: President Bihi Announces Major Government Reshuffle



The Head of State H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has summarily dismissed embattled Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance, his deputy Mohammed Musa Abees and Defense Minister Issa Ahmed Yusuf Abdalle in a move that underpins his policy of zero tolerance on corruption.

In a mini-reshuffle that is seen to be quite impactful and unprecedented, the sacking of the above three brings new faces to the cabinet council.

Hon. Mohamed Musa Diriye Waeis is promoted from deputy interior ministry to become the new information m while Abdiqani Mohamoud Ateeye Fariid moves from Justice to take over the defense portfolio. He is to be succeeded by Abdirizaq Abdi Ali Salah who is a newcomer to the cabinet. The former Information and defense political chiefs have recently been heavily besmirched by revelations of be indicted by the prosecutor general following negative reports led by the auditor general that have rendered th culprits in corruption scandals still to be led in court.

Similarly the sudden resignation in a hush of information director general who was also named in the scandals been followed by the sacking of his defense counterpart Jamal Abdillahi Muhummed in this move seen by  pundits as one that sends a heavy message of non-tolerance of corruption as has always been reiterated by the President.

This is the first time in the history of the country that top ministerial officials are named publicly in corruption s and prosecutions seek for their induction officially hence for the law to take its course.

Similarly it’s thefirst time that the Head of State dismisses such top officials maligned by vices to face the law. In the same decree on the Presidential order dated 28th March 2019 that was released yesterday afternoon, the Head of State relieves  from duty:-

Mohammed Hussein Ahmed Dabeeye and Abdikarim Hussein Said as former directors general of constitution and National Assemblies Coordination and the Youth and Sports Ministries respectively.

Also out of public services are Hassan Hirad Yasin who was Somaliland representative to the UAE and Ayaanle  Dirie who was deputy representative to Kenya.

High profile post of Somaliland National Civic Service Commission also sees former Minister Farhan Adan Hayb back to limelight as he takes its chairmanship.

The change see his predecessor Sharmarke Ahmed  Muhummed Gelle take over from Ayanle in the Kenyan post.

Liban Yusuf Osman becomes the new Health Development deputy minister while Abdiqadir Omar Jama is the n deputy minister for foreign aairs and international cooperation.

As for the director general, Mohammed Yusuf Ismael is to become the new water resources and development D Jamal Abdi Musa Dirie goes to the Constitutional Affairs Ministry while Mohammed Abdillahi Said Khaawi becom new Youth and Sports DG and the Information ministry now has Mukhtaar Mohammed Ali as its new DG.

Togdeer deputy governor has the incoming official named as Mohammed Abdillahi Ibrahim.

Since the Auditor General sounded the warning that his office will prosecute officials in public offices who pilfer or plunder the public off, there have been several officials who have been apprehended since.

Whatever the case the reshuffle is thought to be tailored to address the issue as seen hence sending a strong s warning to the rest of public officials.

The appointed officials are as follows:


  1. Mohammed Musa Diriye Weirah- Ministry of Information Culture and National Guidance
  2. Abdiqani Mohamud Ateye Farid- Ministry of Defense
  3. Abdirizaq Ali Abdi Salah- Ministry of Justice

Deptury Ministries

  1. Liban Yusuf Osman- Health
  2. Abdinasir Omar Jama Roble-Information, Culture and National Guidance
  3. Abdiqadir Omar Jama Mohammed- Foreign Affairs and International Cooperatives


Director Generals

  1. Mohammed Yusuf Ismael – Ministry of Water development
  2. Jamal Abdi Musa Diriye- Ministry of Constitutional Aairs and Coordination of National Assemblies
  3. Mohammed Abdillahi Said Khawi- Youth and Sports
  4. Mukhtar Mohammed Ali-Ministry of Information, Culture and National Guidance

Civil Service Commission

Farhan Adan Haibe



  1. Munir Haji Abdillahi Abusite- Representative to UAE
  2. Sharmarke Ahmed Muhummed Gelle-Deputy representative to Kenya

Deputy Governor Togdeer

Mohammed Abdillahi Ibrahim.