Presidential Decree: Establishment of the National Peace Committee of Somaliland


The President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro), has issued a decree establishing the Peace Committee of the Republic of Somaliland. This decree represents a significant milestone in the nation’s continuous pursuit of peace, stability, and national unity.

Presidential Decree No. 01/01/2025

In accordance with Articles 90 and 113 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland, and pursuant to Article 63(3) of the Law on the Structure of Government and Independent Agencies (Law No. 71/2015), the President has decreed the creation of the Peace Committee, which will play a central role in fostering enduring peace and reconciliation across the Republic of Somaliland.

Considering that:

  • Peace is the bedrock of progress, essential for ensuring political stability, driving economic growth, and promoting social harmony;
  • The Republic of Somaliland requires a dedicated institution to guide national peacebuilding, dialogue, and reconciliation efforts;
  • The Peace Committee will operate as an autonomous body with a defined mandate to facilitate conflict resolution and promote national unity.

It is therefore decreed as follows:

Article 1: Establishment of the Peace Committee
A national body, named the Peace Committee of the Republic of Somaliland, is hereby officially established. This body shall exercise its mandate in a manner consistent with the principles outlined in the Constitution, Islamic Sharia, and relevant national laws.
The headquarters of the Peace Committee shall be situated in Hargeisa, the capital, with the possibility of establishing regional branches as required.

Article 2: Purpose of the Peace Committee
The primary objective of the Peace Committee is to create and sustain an environment conducive to peace and reconciliation throughout Somaliland. The committee will spearhead initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue, unity, and understanding among the nation’s diverse communities, while addressing the underlying causes of conflict and division.

Article 3: Mandates and Responsibilities
The Peace Committee is entrusted with the following core duties:

  • Promotion of Peace: Actively advancing peace and unity across Somaliland.
  • Conflict Resolution: Leading efforts to address conflicts, prevent violence, and facilitate peacebuilding processes.
  • Reconciliation: Organizing and managing reconciliation programs designed to heal divisions and foster mutual respect.
  • Policy Development: Advising the government on peace-related matters and ensuring the formulation of policies that promote long-term peace and social harmony.
  • Collaboration with Security Agencies: Partnering with national security institutions to facilitate the peaceful implementation of initiatives.
  • National Dialogue: Coordinating and facilitating national discussions, including inter-community peace talks, conflict mediation, and social cohesion activities.
  • International Engagement: Cultivating partnerships with regional and international peace organizations to support Somaliland’s peace efforts.

Article 4: Composition of the Peace Committee
The Peace Committee will consist of seven members: a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and five additional members. The President of the Republic will appoint the members of the Peace Committee and shall retain the authority to remove or replace them as necessary.
The Peace Committee may also appoint a Secretary and advisors to provide support and specialized expertise.

Article 5: Responsibilities of the Chairman
The Chairman of the Peace Committee shall:

  • Oversee all activities of the Peace Committee to ensure the effective and timely fulfillment of its mandate.
  • Lead peace initiatives, national dialogue processes, and reconciliation efforts.
  • Represent the Peace Committee in discussions with the government, international organizations, and other stakeholders.
  • Report to the President on the Committee’s progress, challenges, and provide recommendations for further action.
  • Coordinate with national and regional bodies engaged in peace and security efforts.
  • Appoint the Secretary and advisors with the Committee’s consent.

Article 6: Responsibilities of the Vice-Chairman
The Vice-Chairman will:

  • Assist the Chairman in carrying out the duties of the Peace Committee.
  • Assume the responsibilities of the Chairman in their absence.
  • Perform additional tasks as delegated by the Chairman.

Article 7: Meetings of the Peace Committee
The Peace Committee will convene regularly to review ongoing peacebuilding efforts and formulate strategies for future actions.
Meetings may be convened by the Chairman or at the request of at least three members.
A quorum for decision-making shall require the presence of at least two-thirds of the members.
Minutes of each meeting will be recorded and submitted to the President.

Article 8: Decision-Making Process
Decisions within the Peace Committee will be reached by consensus. In the event that consensus cannot be achieved, a vote will be conducted. Decisions will be binding if supported by the majority of the members present.

All thanks to Allah.


Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro)
President of the Republic of Somaliland