President Bihi Kicks Off KULMIYE Campaign with Massive Show of Support at Freedom Park


President of the Republic of Somaliland and KULMIYE party’s presidential candidate, His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, marked the opening day of the KULMIYE campaign alongside waves of enthusiastic supporters at Hargeisa’s Freedom Park Square.

In a powerful show of support, thousands of dedicated KULMIYE supporters, proudly dressed in the party’s colors and the flag of the Republic of Somaliland, gathered early at Freedom Park Square. Their presence underscored their unwavering commitment to President Muse Bihi Abdi, who is seeking a second term.

Accompanied by members of parliament, ministers, the KULMIYE campaign committee for the Maroodi-jeex region, and other prominent figures within the party, President Muse Bihi entered the square to an electrifying atmosphere. He was welcomed warmly by the supporters, whose loyalty to both the party and its candidates was evident.

The campaign’s opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Mustafa Qodax, head of KULMIYE’s Maroodi-jeex campaign, who thanked supporters and encouraged them to show the same dedication on election day as they had today.

In his address, His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi expressed his gratitude to the KULMIYE supporters for their remarkable unity, emphasizing that passion and enthusiasm have always been defining traits of the KULMIYE community.