Presidential Decree


The President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi has issued presidential decrees JSL/XM/WM/222/1-978012023, JSL/XM/WM/222-981/012023 and JSL/XM/WM/222-982/012023, removing office from gov’t officials and appointed their counterparts.  

We set out the Presidential Decree as follows:-  

Presidential Decree

PURPOSE: Dismissal 

To: Mohamed Abdi Gurhan, Former Director General of the Ministry of Financial Development.

Upon guidance of the constitution and having satisfied that credentials to hold senior public offices avail I hereby appoint below mentioned persons to the indicated positions within my government that take effect immediately.


Having Seen: Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland;

Having Seen: Their knowledge, ability and experience;

After consultations, I Decided;

  1. Director General of the National Employment Program, Mohamed Hussein Osman (Mu’adinka) will be the new Director General of the Ministry of Financial Development.
  2. Kaysar Abdillahi Mohamed will be the Representative of the Republic of Somaliland to the European Union.