The President Attends a Police Force Event in Which Large Quantities of Cannabis were Seized


The President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, attended an event where the Police Force presented a large quantity of cannabis to the public which was seized during an operation from last night. 

The President who was not at office today because of the clean-up campaign in Hargeisa, attended a public demonstration at the Police Administration Center, in which they showcased high amounts of cannabis that was hidden carefully, but the military was successful in capturing it all and saving such malaises from the public. 

First of all, the Police Chief of the Republic of Somaliland, Major General Mohamed Aden Saqadhi (Dabagale) who spoke at the event, spoke at length about the anti-drug campaign that the police are engaged in, and pointed out that the force is on high alert to thwart the tactics of those who are corrupting the country with various types of drugs. 

The Minister of Interior of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, for his part, praised the Police Force for its tireless service to the community, and noted that he has great confidence in their work. 

In brief, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, who witnessed the number of cannabis seized by the forces, congratulated the Police Force and its leadership, and urged them to continue their loyalty and patriotism in serving their country and people. He said, “We congratulate the Police Force and we know what they are doing. I congratulate you, your nation knows your sacrifices and thanks you for what you are doing.”