War-Murtiyeed ka soo Baxay Safarka Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Iyo Weftigiisa ee Ku sugan Dalka Maraykanka




Washington DC, March 18, 2022 Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo hoggaaminayan wefti sare oo ka socda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa toddobaadkan la kulmay saraakiil sar-sare oo ka tirsan maamulka Madaxweyne Biden iyo xubno ka tirsan Congress-ka inta uu ku gudo jiro socdaalkiisii u horreeyey ee Madaxweyne ka socdaa ku tago Maraykanka tan iyo 2013kii.



Wada-tashiyo isdaba joog ah oo ay yeesheen masuuliyiin ka socda Somaliland iyo Maraykanku waxay isku waafaqeen inay yeeshaan iskaashi qoto-dheer oo ay bahwadaag ku yihiin hadafyada ay wadaagaan oo ay ka mid yihiin; ilaalada xeebaha, ka hortagga argagixisada, kaalmada bini’aadanimo, ilaalinta deegaanka iyo in kor loo qaado Ganacsiga.



Aqalka Wakiillada, waxa madaxweyne Biixi dedaal u galay in la adkeeyo xidhiidhka iyo masaalixda labada dhinac, taasoo keentay in 14, March Guddida Arrimaha Dibadda ee Congress-ka iyo xubno sare oo ay ka mid ahaayeen  Michael McCaul (R-Taxes), Guddida Afrika, caafimaadka caalamiga ah  iyo Guddi hoosaadyada xuquuqda aadanaha xubno sare oo ka mid ah Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) iyo qaraar ay soo saareen 8 Xildhibaan oo qoraal u diray Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Antony Blinken, waxay xildhibaannadaasi ku booriyeen in Maraykanku cilaaqaad la yeesho Somaliland, waxaanay hoosta ka xariiqeen “Istaraatijiyada iyo bogcada gacanka Cadmeed ee Somaliland ku taallo, isla markaana si joogto ah loo taageero dimuqraadiyada, iskaashina lagala sameeyo dhinacyada ka hortagga argagixisada, budhcad-baddeeda iyo halisaha ammaan ee ka jira gobolka Geeska.



Waxa kaloo ay bayaankooda ku sheegeen xidhiidhka Somaliland la leedahay Taiwan iyo in Maraykanku kor u qaado fursado dheeraad ah oo dhaqaale oo uu la yeesho Somaliland.”



Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi wuxuu soo dhaweeyey qaraarkii hordhaca ahaa ee la xidhiidhay  “Sharciga iskaashiga Somaliland” ee ay soo saareen Guddida Arrimaha Dibadda ee aqalka Senate-ka ee ay ka mid ahaayeen Jim Risch (R-Idaho) oo ay wehelinayeen Senatarada kala ah; Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland), Mike Rounds(R-South Dakata), Guddoomiyaha  iyo xubno sare oo ka tirsan Guddi hoosaadka qaabilsan Afrika iyo siyaasada caalamiga ah ee caafimaadka oo warbixintooda ku sheegay “In Xidhiidh xoog leh oo dhexmara Maraykanka iyo Somaliland  uu faa’iidooyin badan iyo fursado istaraatijiyadeed u yeelanayo labada dhinac.”



Sharciga iskaashiga lagula yeelanayo Somaliland wuxuu  jidaynayaa in Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibaddu uu qiimeeyo qoddoban:-



  • Kaalmada Maraykanku siiyey Somaliland
  • In adeegyo qunsuliyadeed la siiyey Somaliland iyo
  • In qiimeyn dhinaca ammaanka la xidhiidha, talooyinka socdaalka Maraykanka iyo muwaadiniinta doonaya inay booqdaan si ay ganacsi uga sameeyaan Somaliland.

Xeerkani waxa kaloo uu dhigayaa in Wasaaradda Gaashaan-dhiggu sameyso daraasad ku saabsan iskaashiga ammaanka ee ay yeelanayaan Maraykanka iyo Somaliland oo ay ka mid yihiin:


  • Fursado ku wajahan in Maraykanku uu tababaro Laamaha ammaanka ee Somaliland.
  • In laga aasaaso magaalada Hargeysa “Machadka  Maraykanka ee Somaliland”, kaasi oo toos iskugu xidhaya Dawladaha Somaliland iyo Maraykanka, lana mid ah  cilaaqaadka diblomaasiyadeed ee ka dhexeeya Maraykanka iyo Taiwan.

Madaxweyne Biixi  Wadahadallada uu la yeeshay masuuliyiin sar-sare oo ka tirsan maamulka Biden, taasi oo ay dhammaystirayso danaha ay tilmaameen Congresska ka tirsani. Waxa labada dhinac isku raaceen in la hirgeliyo kooxo ka wada shaqeeya  horumarinta iyo isku xidhka iskaashiga.

Kaqayb-galayaasha kulamadaasi, waxa ka mid ahaa Dana Banks, ku-xigeenka kaaliyaha Guddoomiyaha u qaabilsan Afrika, Molly Phee iyo kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda u qaabilsan Afrika, Ilan Goldenberg, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Gaashaan-dhiga iyo ammaanka caalamiga ah Ambassador Andrew Young, Taliye ku-xigeenka ciidammada millatariga ee taliska Afrika iyo Maura Barry, iyo kaaliyaha maamulka Afrika u qaabisan Wakaaladda horumarinta caalamiga ah.

Aqalka Baarlamaanka Maraykanka, waxa weftiga Madaxweynuhu  la kulmeen senatorada Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) iyo Mike Rounds (R-Dakota), Guddoomiyaha iyo xubno ka mid ah Guddi hoosaadyada Afrika, siyaasadda caalaamiga ah ee caafimaadka, Gregory Meeks(D-New York) iyo Micheal McCaul (R-Texas),  Guddoomiyaha iyo xubno sare oo ka tirsan Guddida Arrimaha Dibadda, Guddoomiyaha Guddida aqalkaasi u qaabilsan adeegyada ciidammada Adam Smith (D-Washington), Reps Karen Bass (D-California) iyo Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), Guddoomiyaha iyo xubno sare ka tirsan guddi hoosaadka Afrika, Caafimaadka caalamiga ah iyo xuquuqda aadanaha iyo Reps Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), Young Kim (R-California), Tim Burchett (R-Tennessee), Brain Mast (R-Florida), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) iyo Scott Perry (R-Pennsylvania).

“inkastoo wadatashiyo aanu la yeelanay toddobaadkan masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Biden, xubnaha Congress-ka, Ganacsatada iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha ururrada bulshada Maraykanka. Waxaan aad ugu kalsoon nahay in mustaqbalka uu meel sare gaadhi doono iskaashiga u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Maraykanka. Waxaan ku celinayaa inay Somaliland gaadhay guullo xad-dhaaf ah ka gaadhay dhinacyada dhismaha  dal dimuqraadi ah, xasiloon oo isku filan. Labada xisbi ee Dimuqraadiga iyo Jamhuuriguba way soo dhaweeyeen iskaashi mug leh oo ku wajahan  dhinacyada ammaanka, dhaqaalaha iyo maamul wannaaga,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweyne Biixi.

“Sannado badan oo dedaal aan kala go’ lahayn aanu wadnay kadib, waxa i dhiirigelinaysa inaan arko saaxiibo badan oo Somaliland ku leedahay dalka Maraykanka. Gaar ahaan aqalka Congress-ka jid dheer ayaa innaga horreeya, waxaanan balanqaadayaa in aan mustaqbalka iskaashigeenna kula dagaalanno argagixisada, isla markaana horumarino dimuqraadiyada oo aynu fursado cusub oo ganacsi iyo maalgashi ka abuurno gobolka Geeska Afrika,”ayuu yidhi madaxweyne Muuse Biixi.

Madaxweyne Biixi wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay inuu iskaashiga Somaliland iyo Maraykanka kaga hadlay khudbadii uu 14-kii March ka jeediyey The Heritage Foundation. Guddoomiyaha The Heritage Foundation Kevin Roberts ayaa Maraykanka ku booriyey aqoonsiga Somaliland “Maraykanku waa inuu noqdaa dalka kowaad ee Somaliland u aqoonsada dal madax-bannaa.”

Weftiga Somaliland oo ay ka mid ahaayeen xubno ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirrada iyo Hoggaamiyeyaasha caanka ah ee ganacsiga, ayaa sidoo kale la kulmay waaxda  Ganacsiga Maraykanka iyo shirkadda  caalamiga ah ee Maraykanka u qaabilsan  horumarinta Maaliyadda. Waxa kaloo ay la kulmeen  Baanka adduunka iyo rugta ganacsiga Maraykanka.



Press Release:

March 18, 2022



Somaliland Welcomes Strong Expressions of Support from U.S. Administration and Congress


“Somaliland Partnership Act,” introduced in the U.S. Senate, raises prospect of closer relations and security ties


WASHINGTON, DC., MARCH 18, 2022 – The President of the Republic of Somaliland, H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, and a high-level government delegation met this week with senior officials in the Biden Administration and Congress during the first visit to the United States by a Somaliland Head of State since 2013.


In an unprecedented series of consultations, U.S. and Somaliland officials agreed to deepen cooperation and partnership on key shared objectives, including maritime security, counter-terrorism, humanitarian assistance, environmental protection and business promotion.


In the U.S. House of Representatives, President Bihi’s efforts to strengthen ties were met with mutual interest, as reflected in a March 14 lettersent by House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights Subcommittee Ranking Member Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), and a bipartisan group of eight other lawmakers to Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Their letter calls for increased U.S. engagement with Somaliland, noting that: “Somaliland’s geo-strategic location on the Gulf of Aden, consistent support for democracy, cooperation on countering terrorism, piracy, and other security threats in the region, relations with Taiwan, and growing economic potential warrants that the United States explore additional opportunities to partner with Somaliland.”


President Bihi welcomed the introduction of the bipartisan “Somaliland Partnership Act” introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Jim Risch (R-Idaho), along with Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) and Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy. Led by a policy statement that “a strong relationship between the United States and Somaliland would provide numerous, mutually-beneficial, strategic opportunities,” the Somaliland Partnership Act would require the Secretary of State to evaluate on an annual basis:


  • S. assistance provided to Somaliland,
  • consular services provided to Somaliland residents, and
  • security assessments related to the Travel Advisory for U.S. citizens seeking to visit and do business in Somaliland.


The legislation also requires the Departments of State and Defense to study the feasibility of establishing a security partnership between the U.S. and Somaliland, including:


  • opportunities for U.S. training of Somaliland’s security sector, and
  • the establishment of an “American Institute of Somaliland” in Hargeisa that would enable direct engagement between Somaliland the U.S. government, a similar diplomatic arrangement to that between the U.S. and Taiwan.


President Bihi’s talks with senior Biden Administration officials complemented the interest demonstrated in Congress, with both sides agreeing on the merits of working groups to advance mutual coordination and cooperation. Participants in these discussions included Dana Banks, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Africa; Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Ilan Goldenberg, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; Ambassador Andrew Young, Deputy to the Commander for Civil-Military Engagement, U.S. Africa Command; and Maura Barry, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for Africa at the U.S. Agency for International Development.


On Capitol Hill, the Somaliland delegation met with Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland) and Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy; Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-New York) and Michael McCaul (R-Texas), Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Washington); Reps. Karen Bass (D-California) and Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), Chairwoman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights; and Reps. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), Young Kim (R-California), Tim Burchett (R-Tennessee), Brian Mast (R-Florida), Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) and Scott Perry (R-Pennsylvania).


“Through my consultations with the Biden Administration, Members of Congress and American business and civil society leaders this week, I am more confident than ever in the future of the U.S.-Somaliland partnership. I repeatedly heard a growing recognition and commendation of Somaliland’s extraordinary achievements in building a democratic, stable and self-sufficient state. Both Democrats and Republicans welcome accelerated efforts to deepen engagement on a range of security, economic and governance initiatives,” said President Bihi.


“After years of tireless effort, I am encouraged to see so many friends of Somaliland in the United States, particularly in the U.S. Congress. The path ahead is promising, and I look forward to future partnerships to fight terrorism, advance democracy, and create new opportunities for trade and investment in the Horn of Africa.”


President Bihi outlined a framework for U.S.-Somaliland cooperation in a keynote address at The Heritage Foundation on March 14. Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts endorsed U.S. recognition of Somaliland in his opening remarks, stating “America should proudly be the first state to recognize Somaliland as an independent state.”


The delegation, which includes cabinet ministers and prominent business leaders, also held consultations with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, as well as with the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


